Tuesday, April 23, 2013


So much to do, finish up my Sociology class, clean the house for guests (coming in tonight), and wrap up the Bridal Shower planning.  As they say, "when it rains, it pours".  So amidst work and other life responsibilities, I'm trying not to get overwhelmed.  I've made a few really cute crafts for the shower, so one of these days I'll get around to sharing them with you all.  For now, all this busyness reminds me of an article I read a short while ago - Enjoy!

bus·y·ness (noun)
1. the quality or condition of being busy.
2. lively but meaningless activity.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Great book for the ladies

I love to read.  Lately, though, I don't seem to have near enough time for pleasure reading.  I've had a craving to watch Pride & Prejudice for a while now, so I finally gave in this weekend and watched it (the version with Keira Knightly).  Such a delightful movie - it of course made me want to sit down and read the book, because as any good book lover knows, the book is always better than the movie (no matter how great the movie).  Sometime soon I'll have to make that indulgence, but probably not until the semester ends.  I digress, I'm mainly writting just to share another great book, of which you might not be aware.

Unseduced and Unshaken: The Place of Dignity in a Young Woman's Choices
by Rosalie de Rosset

Don't let the "Young Woman's Choices" in the title fool you - it applies to all women, regardless of age or marital status.
"Understanding life with a God-centered point-of-view includes thinking carefully about what we women do with our education, our spiritual existence, our leisure, and the importance we place on our intellect, and our bodies. Our choices are physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual. We must think wisely about them. We must remain unseduced and unshaken."
Ms. de Rosset doesn't tiptoe around the issues, and I love that she views our intellectual and spiritual condition as just as important as our emotional and physical.  I have a wonderful father who never made me feel inferior because of my gender and he always encouraged and challenged my thinking;  de Rosset does exactly the same thing.  Oh, and she uses examples in the book from both Jane Eyre and Pride & Prejudice.  Some of the most challenging parts, for me personally, were her thoughts on "leisure" time.  So my only suggestion (other than reading the book) is to BUY the book.  Especially if you like to highlight or underline as you read.  My copy is already quite colorful and I haven't even owned it that long!  Actually, do yourself a favor and buy 2 copies.  By the time you're done reading it you'll have thought of at least one person you'd love to share the book with, so you might as well save on shipping.  You're welcome.
dig·ni·ty (noun)
1. bearing, conduct, or speech indicative of self-respect or appreciation of the formality or gravity of an occasion or situation.
2. nobility or elevation of character; worthiness: dignity of sentiments. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

In all circumstances...

Just read an awesome post from ArtofManliness.com, and although I'm not a man, I can't help but share it because it speaks the truth.

The post was titled Every Man’s Call to Defiant Gratefulness, and was written by Marcus Brotherton.  I have a softspot in my heart for our military and when I saw that a friend on FB had posted this article, the picture of a WWII Marine is what actually prompted me to read it. 
I do hope you'll take a few moments to read it and reflect on the challenge Brotherton presents to his readers.  Here's some highlights from the post:

"Sure, the horrors never leave you. But I can say until my dying day that I fought with the United States Marine Corps." - WWII veteran R.V. Burgin
How will adversity sit with us? Will we work through it, acknowledging that the trouble was genuine trouble and yet knowing that it strangely helped form us into who we are today? Or will we become victims of adversity, forever dismayed by it, perpetually sorrowing at our losses, continually hurt by our disappointments?
In simplest terms: Will that hardship make or break us?
"Give thanks in all circumstances..." {1 Thessolonians 5:18}

grate·ful (adjective):
1. warmly or deeply appreciative of kindness or benefits received; thankful: I am grateful to you for your help.

2.  expressing or actuated by gratitude: a grateful letter.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Living life on purpose...

I'm not a big fan of making decisions.  I'm not even talking about big, life-altering decisions (although I'm definitely not a fan of those either) - just little decisions can cause me anxiety.  I'm starting to think I have commitment issues. 
        Anyway, sometimes I prefer to just not make the decision (especially in regards to small decisions).  I just let the deadline run out or hope someone else will somehow decide for me. And then I realize, not deciding is often a decision.  Ridiculous, but true.  You have a chance at a new job, but you can't decide if you want to take it or not.  Well, if you wait to long to decide the application deadline will have expired and voila!  Decision made for you. Maybe I'm afraid I won't like the decision I've made and there will be no one to blame but myself.  And then sometimes I'm just afraid that after I decide, something better will come along, but I've already made a commitment.  But living life like that could probably lead to some regrets - and who wants that? 
       So I'm going to start trying to live my life on purpose.  Not letting life and circumstances decide things for me all the time.  Take some time to sort out my options, list the pros and cons, ask advice if necessary and then DECIDE.  Be brave - make some mistakes along the way, but do stuff on purpose.  It's far to easy to let life carry you along, ignorant of your destination....

You can't leave footprints in the sands of time if you're sitting on your butt. And who wants to leave buttprints in the sands of time?  --Anonymous


de·ci·sion (noun):
1. the act or process of deciding; determination, as of a question or doubt, by making a judgment
2. the act of or need for making up one's mind